some of this will be written in solxlanni. i will mark the parts that are if needs be
ðk hŋ en caa sgriif en slx. nk en sgripa ðe rana en, osna aŋa.
When I'm coming up with new words for Solxlanni, I usually try to write a sentance or paragraph. I do this because it brings up more words than I can think up. You never think of words like "a" or "the"(indefinite and definite articles respectively) nor would you think of prepositions or connectives. if you try to do a word for word method you latch onto nouns, adjectives and verbs. And i've found with past attempts at many a conlang, it's difficult to get a feel for the language without many of the smaller parts. The first verbs in solxlanni were "baða" and "caða"[eat and drink] with the first nouns being "boord" and "bwyd"[table and food]. I used those to help build the pronouns and some of the first prepositions.
Since Solxlanni is based on Welsh and English with influence from European languages(mainly Romance,Germanic and Brythonic-celtic) it's easier to get a word to feel right. When i come across a word i need to write that doesn't exist yet, I decide whether or not it's a cognate from Welsh, if so i pick the Welsh word for what i want, do some vowel shifts and change the end syllable until it fits, or I look into the words history and pick a point before branching off and modifying it heavily. Some words made with this technique include
This means Solxlanni has a rather unique sound, it needs more work, but it sounds unique. Sometimes though, words aren't nicked from Welsh, and in that case it's more challanging to make words. When i make up a new word, I tend to follow a few rules. Nouns end in a closed syllable and start with a consonant, verbs contain open syllables, non-agglutitinative words don't agglutinate very well.
Then after i'm done coming up with the word, i use it in many sentances to make final edits so it somewhat fits and boom i have a new word. I'll add it to the dictionary and give a brief definition and done
ef dosweliar tawa nȝ delwsgriif, ði en hawk ca crei randelwsgriifnewik. en dyfodar, nk en crei dosweliarnewik. ðk en caa mwy ȝiw e ðarmat naais. ni en gwiba ðŋ delwsgriif hŋ anhoðefhoȝperson axa ði þema. ði þema hŋ en eþe adhwwyl ca mawranhoȝperson. ni en hapar ef nifero tewelar negafa(emper xwatmil). ðŋ en crehaparu ni. ði ranbraak hŋ en byr.
I've already done a quick update about my views on using the Bardic alphabet to write solxlanni. In doing that though, I have discovered how to put a ĈÎĈÛM̂F̂L̂ÊX̂ on a letter in HTML without using windows Character Map. which makes typing some stuff in Welsh easier and I can use it while writing solxlanni. "nôl yn y tŷ" has never been easier to write.
Anyway, I plan on going through the site and correcting any mistake I may have made, and do some grammar correction with the solxlanni. Since making the first few pages, the language has changed quite a bit, and some of the older pages at the moment are a tad out of date dispite not being half a year old yet. But that's the price to pay when you don't think things through to thoroughly.At the rate I normally work at, don't expect it to be done that quickly. I'll definatly do another blogpost when that happens. The first page I'll tackle is the grammar page. That was one of first ones I made(second) and it could do with some refreshing and correcting. I still have some thing to add to the pronouns page and a bunch of stuff to move around to more appropriat pages. After I'm done this mini site thing will look a lot cleaner, it won't look more proffesional or better since, I'm not the best when it comes to that sort of thing, but this site is in desparate need of tidying up, both visually and structurally.